2018年IFMAR 1/10GPツーリングカー世界選手権(1/10th IC track)において、ファイナル5台進出&予選TQ&優勝の鮮烈デビューから4年。2022年IFMAR世界選手権では進化したIF15プロトタイプが、ファイナル9台進出&予選TQ&スーパーポール獲得&優勝の圧倒的ポテンシャルを発揮。この衝撃的なリザルトを達成したIF15プロトタイプが、いよいよIF15-IIとして市販化。 最強進化1/10GPツーリングカーIF15-IIがキミをさらなる高みへ誘う! さあ行こう! テッペンへ!
IF15-2 特徴

IF15-II 1/10 GP ツーリングカーシャーシキット
2018年IFMAR 1/10GPツーリングカー世界選手権(1/10th IC track)において、ファイナル5台進出&予選TQ&優勝の鮮烈デビューから4年。2022年IFMAR世界選手権では進化したIF15プロトタイプが、ファイナル9台進出&予選TQ&スーパーポール獲得&優勝の圧倒的ポテンシャルを発揮。この衝撃的なリザルトを達成したIF15プロトタイプが、いよいよIF15-IIとして市販化。 最強進化1/10GPツーリングカーIF15-IIがキミをさらなる高みへ誘う! さあ行こう! テッペンへ!
型番: | CM-00012 |
JANコード: | 4573492849816 |
メーカー: | INFINITY |
Winner of the 2022 IFMAR World Championship! The most powerful GP touring car ever!
At the 2018 IFMAR 1/10 GP Touring Car World Championship (1/10 IC Track), five cars made it to the A main final, qualifying TQ and winning the championship. Four years after that amazing debut, at the 2022 IFMAR World Championship, nine IF15 prototypes made it to the A main final, qualifying TQ, Superpole, and winning, proving their overwhelming potential. The IF15 prototypes that achieved these amazing results are finally being made commercially available as the IF15-II! The IF15-II, the most advanced 1/10 GP touring car in history and will take your racing to new heights! Let's aim for the top together!
IF15-2 Features ▶ Newly designed and developed aero bumper. ▶ Newly designed and developed main chassis ▶ Newly developed and newly designed front bulkhead ▶ Newly designed and developed front shock stay ▶ Newly designed and developed front stabilizer ▶ Newly designed and developed rear stabilizer ▶ Newly designed and developed rear bulkhead ▶ Newly designed and developed rear shock stay ▶ Newly designed and developed brake unit ▶ Newly designed shock ▶ Newly designed and developed upper deck