2023年 IFMAR 1/8 IC World Championshipにおいて、IF18-3がグランドファイナル10台中6台進出。INFINITYチームドライバーのダリオ・バレストリ選手が優勝!!
IF18-III キット特徴:
▶ 新設計メインシャーシ
▶ 新設計バッテリープレート
▶ 耐クラッシュ性を向上させたフロントセクション
▶ 新設計サーボセイバースプリング
▶ 低重心エンジンマウント
▶ 新設計マフラーステーホルダー一体型ミドルシャフトマウント
▶ 新設計ベルトテンショナー
▶ 新設計ブレーキ及びブレーキマウント
▶ 新設計ブレーキダブルピストンVer.2
▶ 新設計大径ベンチレーテッドブレーキディスク
▶ 新設計スロットルサーボマウント
▶ キャンバー調整がより容易になったリアアッパーアーム
▶ 新設計ワイドレンジリアアッパーアームホルダー
▶ 新設計軽量センタリングセクション
▶ 新設計軽量ボディマウント
▶ 別売りシャーシステフナー(6種類)でシャーシ剛性バランスの調整が可能
Winner of the 2023 IFMAR World Championship!
At the 2023 IFMAR 1/8 IC World Championship, the IF18-3 advances 6 out of 10 cars to the Grand Final, won by INFINITY team driver Dario Balestri!
Based on feedback from INFINITY team drivers around the world, the chassis’ rigidity balance was reviewed to improve rear traction, and each part was redesigned in detail to promote a lower center of gravity. A new brake system was developed to further improve drivability and control. The front end of the chassis has also been updated to improve strength and the repeatability of setup adjustments. The new IF18-3 is designed to be compatible with conventional parts and a wide variety of optional parts can still be used allowing you to customise it to your liking.
IF18-III Car Kit Features:
- Newly designed main chassis
- Newly designed battery plate
- Front section with improved crash resistance
- Newly designed servo saver spring
- Low center of gravity engine mount
- Newly designed middle shaft mount with integrated muffler stay holder
- Newly designed belt tensioner
- Newly designed brake and brake mount
- Newly designed brake double piston Ver.2
- Newly designed large diameter ventilated brake discs
- Newly designed throttle servo mount
- Newly designed rear upper arm with easier camber adjustment
- Newly designed wide range rear upper arm holder
- Newly designed lightweight centering section
- New lightweight body mount
- Chassis rigidity balance can be adjusted with 6 types of chassis stiffeners (option).